Orhan Kamil

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The city of Leeuwarden is a beautiful town with rich history and monuments to inspire artist , in my research of a city I discover a lot of significant places, and stories. One the important for me is that, Leeuwarden is a home town of an artist who make big influence of my work as artist, M.C. Escher. Art opus of Escher – his work features mathematical objects and operations including impossible objects, explorations of infinity, reflection, symmetry, perspective, truncated and stellated polyhedra, hyperbolic geometry. Some of my graphic print are in a same approach, object like seashells, horns, stones, and mirrors make composition levitating from shadows and make beautiful atmosphere. From dark to pure light, tenebrozo. That is my first motive to make painting mixed between graphic drawing and rich colour background, my idea to make same tribute or homage to the artist Escher. In a centre of composition spherical accent with geometric polyhedra reflection will be Oldehove monumental architecture or some other historic building, well be paint in an abstract atmosphere.

Lot of inspiration for my work project, depends on first contact between town and me. Golden background and symbols well make look like old icon, but in a modern composition with vivid colour. Photographic details, and some Escher accents. I like the idea of crossing a town with a bike, because am not a driver and that means to me a lot. Best way to see Leeuwarden beauty whit bike riding.